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Origin Based Rating Fraud problem

Graphical representation of an article on "Origin Based Rating Fraud Problem" by Fergal Parkinson with a smartphone and credit cards imagery to prevent fraud.

Origin Based Rating Fraud problem

Telephony fraud is not new, in fact there were fraud schemes reported as  far back as the 1950s.  Over the years,  as the complexity of the telephone networks have increased so has the creativity of fraudsters looking to make money. The 2021 CFCA Global Telecommunications Fraud Loss Survey estimated the amount of revenue loss resulting from fraud schemes to be $40 Billion, which was over a 25% increase from the 2019 survey estimate.

Phone number verification plays an essential role in the detection and prevention of telephone fraud. The TMT TeleShield service uses TMT Analysis’  unique data assets that are consistently extended and updated as its foundation.   It includes analysis of mobile and fixed phone numbers, with the goal of identifying phone attributes that contribute to assessing the fraud risk for a number. Through integrating a variety of data sources, TeleShield provides an accurate and living representation of the propensity for a number to be fraudulent, putting the power to identify and stop global telephony fraud in our customers’  hands.

We recently worked with a customer who was being billed a high level of surcharges as a victim of  Origin Based Rating (OBR) fraud schemes.  In an OBR scam, fraudsters can spoof the calling number (A number)  to make it appear like it is coming from a country with a low call termination rate. This is a type of telephony by-pass fraud, which in the 2021 CFCA Survey was estimated to be $2.6 billion.

We were approached by an international wholesale provider that had been billed tens of thousands of Euros in call surcharges because originating numbers were identified as invalid by the terminating operator. The service provider wanted an independent analysis of the originating numbers, most of which they suspected were spoofed.

TeleShield’s analysis confirmed the customer’s suspicions, 91% of these calls were not valid numbers:

  • 75% – numbers had invalid formats.
  • 3% – numbers were missing valid country codes.
  • 7.4%  – numbers looked  valid but had other attributes that confirmed they were invalid

In summary, TeleShield can be easily integrated into customer business processes to facilitate their saving tens of thousands in fraud damages. It provides:

  • robust solution with multiple access options e.g., query (ENUM, HTTP, SIP) and batch service;
  • access to up-to-date information; and
  • intelligent routing fabric that enables real-time number queries that strengthen authentications and evaluation of fraud risks

Last updated on March 20, 2024


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"BTS (Business Telecommunications Services) is successfully using TMT’s Velocity and Live services to check the status of mobile numbers. This way we make sure we optimize the performance of the service offered to our customers and ensure the quality of terminating traffic to all countries.”

Business Telecommunications Services

"TMT is a valued partner that enables us to manage our routing costs effectively. They proactively and continuously expand their operator and country coverage while delivering exceptional customer service. We can always count on them to achieve high-quality results and look forward to our continued collaboration."

Global Message Service

"TMT provides us with the most comprehensive numbering intelligence data through their fast and reliable Velocity and Live services. TMT is a trusted partner for us, their products ensure that we continue to optimise the best performance and service to our customers."

Global Voice

"TeleShield from TMT gives 42com the power to detect and target telephony fraud scams internationally, thereby protecting our company from the financial and customer experience impacts of telecommunications fraud."

Alberto Grunstein - CEO

"It has been a pleasure to work with the team at TMT. They have become an essential provider of accurate numbering data information and Number Portability services globally."

Luisa Sanchez - VP of SMS and Messaging Solutions, Identidad Technologies

"Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier uses TMT ID as one of their key suppliers for Mobile Number Portability Data services. Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier uses TMT ID’s Velocity MNP solution. This is an ultra-fast query service that optimises the routing of international voice calls and A2P messaging."

Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier

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