Mobile Intelligence. Trusted Data.

Simplicity with TMT Score

TMT Score combines datasets, assesses their significance, and consolidates the findings into a single comprehensive score.

TMT Analysis partners with Six Degrees Labs to tackle telephony fraud

TMT Analysis partners with Six Degrees Labs to tackle telephony fraud

TMT Analysis partners with Six Degrees Labs to tackle telephony fraud 1st of December 2023 London, December 2023 TMT Analysis, a leading provider of global numbering intelligence, has partnered with Six Degrees Labs Ltd, a supplier of innovative, real-time  fraud prevention mitigation solutions. As part of the partnership, TMT and Six Degrees will combine their […]

Why You Should Pause For Thought When You’re Asked To ‘Ring Me Back’

Man using corded phone

By Fergal Parkinson, TMT Analysis Picture the scene: the bustling entrance and reception area of a large company in London. A man approaches the front desk, gives his name and company details, saying he has an appointment and offering the name of the person he’s due to see. The receptionist takes his details and then […]

The Growing Problem of CV Fraud Globally

By Fergal Parkinson, TMT Analysis Paul Elliott must have seemed too good to be true when he applied to be head of RE at Yarm School in Yorkshire. Not only was he a former Oxford don whose glittering academic career went all the way back to his own schooldays with six As at A Level […]

Mihai’s Top 8 Tips For Great Customer Technical Support

Tips for Great Technical Support

By Mihai Darie, Operations Director at TMT Analysis.  Providing excellent customer support is essential for any business. It not only helps to retain existing customers, but it can also lead to new business through word-of-mouth recommendations. In this post, we’ll touch on the importance of the softer skills that leads towards gaining trust and high […]

Why this Simswap story is a wake-up call

Sim Card on Orange Background

There are lots of stories around about various financial scams these days – you can find a new one pretty much every day. But some stand out and gain greater traction so they end up being noticed by millions. One of these was the recent story of Charlotte Morgan, a young Londoner, who in late […]

Establishing Customer Liveness Through Mobile Phone Number Verification

Person Holding Phone and Bank Card

Customer Liveness is important to check. This is because transactions with your customers are increasingly taking place on mobile devices, as they look to the quickest and easiest way to do everything from everyday tasks like accessing their bank account information, though to major life decisions such as buying a new car or signing up […]

Don’t only look to the C-Suite for help

Skyscraper in financial district showing kyc for financial institutions

By Neelam Nasir, Legal Counsel at TMT Analysis  One of the key challenges when implementing regulatory change is getting the absolute, unequivocal buy in (surprisingly not only from the C – Suite) from the sales team who manage the transactional work. Regulatory changes affecting businesses involve raising awareness of the new rules but also taking […]